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The New GOP wants … your money

And for you to forget their seditious acts on January 6th, 2021

Christine Panas
6 min readMay 27, 2021


Where once the GOP could open its conservative hand to Corporate America and get whatever cash it needed in order to defeat the party of inclusion, they now come up against closed fists. Corporate America has made clear that “they” (after all, the SCOTUS ruled that Corporations are people, too) do not want to be seen as supporting the party of white supremacists, demagogues, religious fundamentalists, and (cherry on top) sedition. Sure, back office deals will happen. But that hand is now dirty. Very, very dirty.

In the wake of its need to redfine and divorce itself from the original Republican Party, the new GOP has gone full-on Tucker Carlson, complete with all the racism and hate that he and they now stand for. In fact, that blowhard racist is a major contender for high political office. Gacktastic — but not a joke.

One of the easiest things to do is make fun of the new GOP, especially for their bad taste. I’m not talking just about the tackiest inauguration in American history, and the continued poor taste on display during the very deadly four years that 45 was in office. Nor am I am talking about the unironic and repetitive use of inflammatory language in their missives, language that imitates the excitement of High School Homecoming in small towns across America as married to the language of hate and spite.

Yes, spite is a primary driving factor within the New GOP, spite for the fact that America loved Barak Obama so much, spite that Black citizens have stood up and to applause, spite that White citizens do not vote just for whiteness, spite that the rest of the world viewed these past four years with Schadenfreude and glee. The political monologue of the new GOP is that of reactionaries and put-upon white folks who regard anything but the cross and the flag as a threat to their hegemony. But I digress.

It is easy to mock the current GOP in a way that was never possible before. All thanks to the clownish would-be-emperor-in-chief who found like minds in the hate that grips and paralyzes America. But what they intend to do with all that hate is no laughing matter. They are profiting off of it like never before.

When the past election season heated up and Fox news was fighting Newsmax and OAN for the right to be the one and only megaphone for a sitting president (and his racist sychophants and coat tailers), someone (I have my suspicions who) signed me up for Trump and RNC emails. All I can say is WOW. Thousands of emails flooded my inbox over the election cycle. Creepier and creepier as the election drew near.

Oh lordy, how easy it is to draw the picture of a political party from the inflammatory emails that these folks send out!

First of all, the language of these emails is hateful. For all their “American pride” they sure can whip up more than enough hate for all other Americans to fill many mega-stadiums. The messages, both the blatant and subtextual, of these emails are clear: women, blacks, browns, gays, trans, immigrants, and democrats are not welcome in America. The new GOP lumps all of these “socialists” together, and intends to punish them for daring to rock the boat, for daring to seek equality and power. Revenge is nigh. Voting is to be restricted in every conceivable way. The GOP has doubled down on keeping America Male, White, and Christian.

For fun (or perhaps therapy), I decided to look at the emails sent to me over the past thirty days — just the more recent ones, with the toned-down hate, although hate remains the primary motivator for every single one of their emails.

Previously, I received emails from and Wow! They had headlines for the ages. The former stopped on November 1st 2020 and the latter on the 6th of January 2021 (this is an important sidebar and possible beginning line for a different article). The subject lines were always very alarming with tags like “liberals hate you” and “stop the steal”, to name a few. However, I still receive three to four emails daily — DAILY — from, the fundraising wing of the party.

The emails almost always purport to be from someone else, like a Huckabee, or a sitting Senator or Representative, or some other person or organization that might help to ring the register. We should be worried because the goal of these missives and the people behind them is to normalize the chipping away at Civil Rights and Equality: restricting voting rights, politicizing the courts, attacking women’s rights, eliminating the rights of people to marry whom they want to marry, denying the right to exist legally in this country, almost making other religions a crime, making it legal to run over protestors with a car. They are weaponizing hate in the same way Hitler did after his initial defeat. Lessons need to be learned here. It might seem laughable now but their end game is no joke. If you are not a white chrisitan male, your day in the sun is theirs to take from you. And if you are female! Look out! Your womb is now property of the state you live in, and if you miscarry, you can go to jail for murder.

If you are a hacker, it would be easy to copy these emails and get the donations sent to your off-shore bank account. I’m just sayin’.

Take a look at some of the email “senders”, subject lines, and sub-headings. And remember, there is never any substance in the emails, only basic inflammatory language, a few well-placed lies, and a “donate now” button. Then make up your mind. ALL of these were sent from the same email address, even though they are made to look like they come from an individual to me personally.

NOTE: These are just a few of the over 70 emails I have received since May 1st. These have been decidedly toned down, but the story that they tell is clear:

These are pretty standard, and sometimes I respond with a brief reply that no one reads, clearly. My replies insult them. Yet they continue to send message daily, so tone deaf are they.

Also every single email comes with a donate button that leads the reader to believe that the donaton is going for the named cause. In reality, the donations go to the RNC campaign fund, and then on to pay for legal bills, private jet trips, expensive dinners, and crappy experiences at Trump-owned hotels.

The fact that I have yet to sign up for any of their rallies and have not donated a single penny to their confederate causes, both annoys them and goes right over their heads. They know I don’t send money, but they just can’t stop themselves from sending me a hundred emails a month.

Harnassing Hate

I have to give credit where credit is due. Never before has a party been so dedicated to hate and restricting access to voting while at the same time touting its dedication to American values. It’s so amazing that they can do both, with hands out and begging for money.

One only has to look at the GOP’s failed rally in Tulsa, the one that was scheduled to step all over Juneteenth in a town famous for the slaughter of hundreds of Black Tulsans and the destruction of the wealth accumulated by “Black Wallstreet”. The intent of the new GOP is that same intent — dismiss their humanity, piss on their sacred, eliminate them, “them” being anyone not in their “fold”, and that fold is almost entirely confederate and white.

So what are these American values? All of the arrows point in the direction of a single party with a big-man-leader. That’s what they want. And they are willing to kill for it. Never forget January 6th 2021.

